Friday 17 July 2009

Torchwood DVD signing, HMV store London, earlier today...

So, I was in a doctor's surgery at the time I should have been standing in the queue at the HMV store in London this morning, waiting to get in to the Torchwood DVD signing, but that's another story!

All three, John Barrowman, Eve Myles and Gareth David-Lloyd turned up so that was a good start. The downside, the crowds were so large that a great number of people were bound to be disappointed as there were only 250 armbands at the London store and you know the drill at HMV - no armband no getting into signing!

Anyway, here are some pictures - minus the best kissy-kissy one of course because at the moment the only copy of that I can get my hands on is watermarked - so you'll have to put up with these. Oh,and by the way, there are no fan ones that I can point you in the direction of at the moment, well none that I know of anyway. :)

Okay, so this is the boring kissy-kissy one,
John puckering up to Eve!

The lovely Gareth.

Eve holding her 'bump'.

John... um... trying to impress us!

All together now...

Some close-ups... smiling Gareth

... smiling John...

and not so smiley Eve.


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