Monday 27 July 2009

Doctor Who trailer of "The Waters of Mars" and a pretty rough preview clip of "The End of Time"...

The new trailer for the Doctor Who special "The Waters of Mars" was shown at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend. I haven't heard anything new, so I assume the air date is still sometime in November.

It's looking very, very good, but remember it is a trailer so it does contain spoilers...

Okay, so here's a fan video made at the SDCC showing a clip of "The End of Time" which will be showing at Christmas. It's pretty bad, but I love it because you get the full force of the atmosphere there when the clip was shown. If I can find a better video I'll post it later. Remember, spoilers again...


betty said...

Wow and then 4 knocks - opps - great thanks. Did enjoy them both

Evie said...

@betty Yes, I think RTD has made sure HIS Doctor goes out with a bang!

Can't wait!

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