Friday 10 July 2009

Happy Birthday, Mr. Harold...

To celebrate the gorgeous Mr. Gale Harold's 40th Birthday today! Wishing him health, success and happiness in everything that he does.

Here's a little pictorial retrospective of his work since 2000. I'm sure I've forgotten something but can't think what. Oh, and of course most get bigger if you click. :)

Queer as Folk - Brian Kinney - 2000-2005

36k - Booker O'Brien - 2000

Uncle Bob - Josh - 2001

Mental Hygiene - David Ryan - 2001

Street Time - Geoff Beddoes - 2003

Law and Order: Special Victims Unit - Dr. Garrett Lang - 2003

Particles of Truth - Morrison Wiley - 2003

Rhinoceros Eyes - Det. Phil Barbara - 2003

Wake - Kyle Riven - 2003

Fathers and Sons - Elliott - 2005

The Unseen - Harold - 2005

Life on the Ledge - Chaz - 2005

Martha Behind Bars - Peter Bacanovic - 2005

Falling for Grace - Andrew Barrington, Jr - 2006

The Unit - Rory - 2006

Deadwood - Wyatt Earp - 2006

Vanished - Agent Graham Kelton - 2006

Suddenly Last Summer - Dr. Cukrowicz - 2006-2007

Grey's Anatomy - Shane - 2007

Passenger Side - Karl - 2008

Desperate Housewives - Jackson Braddock - 2009


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