Tuesday 16 June 2009

Torchwood, Primeval and a little more Gale...

So, the Torchwood press pack informs us that the show will be back soon and when it does come back it will be on BBC1. This clearly shows the popularity of this show, or more likely the huge popularity of the lovely John Barrowman on both sides of the Atlantic, for it to be shown on the Corporation's premier channel.

Sadly the only regular characters helping Captain Jack (John Barrowman) this time round will be Ianto (Gareth David-Lloyd) and Gwen (Eve Myles), as the writer - um, Russell T. Davies - killed off two brilliant characters and favourites of mine, Owen and Tosh, at the end of last season!

Season 3 is only five hour-long episodes showing over one week at the end of the summer - still no firm date, but July keeps being mentioned - which is a mixed blessing. To see the complete season in such a quick burst, similar to watching something on video, can be quite an intense experience, as long as you are willing to put the rest of your life on hold to make sure you're in front of your TV every night of the week. Otherwise you'll have to record the thing and watch when you can, which kind of makes a mockery of the whole thing!

Oh, and another thing, there is apparently still no definite news as to whether James Marsters will be coming back as Captain John Hart for season 3 (in fact, his name isn't even mentioned in the press pack above). If he doesn't, it will be a terrible shame as he's a really fabulous and very underrated actor and turned out to be a great character on the show. His scenes with Captain Jack absolutely sizzled on screen! Plus I always loved Spike, oops, I mean James! ;)

Anyway, here's an extended version of the preview video shown earlier this year - just a heads-up, there's a kiss in there somewhere, don't get excited though it lasts a nanosecond and then it's gone!


Conversely, after all that, there is some bad news for Primeval fans, after all the rumours, not even the popularity of this show can save it and it has definitely been cancelled.

Apparently with all the CGI involved in the making of these episodes, ITV can no longer afford such heavy investment in one show.

Also, I haven't heard much about the proposed film recently, but then no news is good news... most of the time.


Lastly, here's a cropped version of a couple of the Gale pics of the last couple of days, what adorable expressions this man has! Enjoy, or at least don't get mad at me for posting more Gale, a girl's got to do something while she awaits fresh news about upcoming projects! ;)

Don't forget to click them to make them bigger. :)


Jo said...

More Gale? How wonderful!!! Love it!

I was always a Spike fan too, and I completely agree, James Marsters was fab on Torchwood. Not sure about five, one hour episodes, though...

Take care.


Jo x

Lady H said...

Yes, I'll be really surprised and terribly disappointed if James doesn't come back as Captain John at some point.



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