Monday 8 June 2009

At long last, a "Passenger Side" trailer and some screen caps ...

Question: How do you get several thousand Gale Harold fans interested in this film since he's not the "star"?

Answer: Make a two and a half minute trailer with a tiny sequence of the gorgeous Mr. Harold - naked - weaving around totally out of his head, apparently filming a porn movie! :)

If you really cannot spare the time you can save 1:26 minutes by jumping straight to the bare arsed chested Gale! ;D

Here are a few screen caps - clicky, clicky. Look at the girl's legs. She's not acting there, that's just a pheromone induced physiological reaction to the proximity of a naked Gale! ;D

You can follow the progress of "Passenger Side" on Facebook

ETA: I think he looks gorgeous even with the longer hair and the scruffy chin! Mm mm! ♥♥♥


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