Well, it has come as no surprise to learn that Jackson's passion is art! He's a painter! One who trained in Paris no less with a professor who wore a beret! After all, it was one of the first spoilers we heard about him before the fifth season had even begun! The clever Marc Cherry pulled a fast one on us though by introducing Jackson to us as that other sort of painter, one who was doing up Susan's house! I suppose it would have been a bit difficult getting the two of them together otherwise, as being an artist is a rather solitary existence so, yes, a clever bit of writing.

I must say I loved all the Jackson and Susan scenes in this episode and really loved Gale as the beautiful, romantic, softly spoken Jackson. He became so much more than Susan's bit of eye candy in this episode, he actually became a man with a back story and some depth. This was especially made clear in the scene where Susan, wearing a corset, barges into his studio(?) and finds the painting he's doing of her and Jackson spoke so beautifully about the things he's come to know about her. Great stuff!
On a more superficial note, I loved him in the black shirt with the polka dots on the placket and an embroidered flower on the side, he definitely bought that at the same place he gets his bongs! LOL But oh, I was worried that he wouldn't take the shirt off before he started painting! Ah, but, he did! Which was wonderful as we then got another chance to bask in the beauty of Gale arms! He looked gorgeous throughout this whole episode.

Joking aside, though, what I really liked to see was that the chemistry is getting better and better between Gale and Teri and their scenes this week were of the funny, sweet and tender 'getting to know you' kind. They are really bringing the relationship between Jackson and Susan to life. Such a shame then that we won't really know where they were going to take this, since Gale was unable to finish filming for next week's episode. He will definitely be in it, which should give us a clue as to how they are going to handle Gale being unavailable for a while. This is so sad, just when he was really settling into the role and making it his own.
Please get well and hurry back, Gale!
EDIT: I forgot something. Now that Susan has been to Jackson's place at least three times, once last week when she found the girl in his shower, and twice that we know of this week. What I want to know is where's the bloody dog he said he got just before they got together? Was widdle Jackson telling Susan porky pies, I wonder? Shame if it was just lies, I want to see the kind of dog Jackson would have! :)
(Gorgeous, grinning, Gale from caps from the wonderful LazyShades at
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