Jackson asking Susan out to dinner thereby starting their relationship all over again! Wish he had a bit more screen time, but ultimately it's quality not quantity that we want and this was quality Gale. Love, Love, Loved it.
Of course the really best thing is the news that Gale is home and, we hope, recuperating well and as long as that continues, is expected to return to DH! Here's the email from one of the usual sources:
Hi to everyone!!Nothing new as far as his health is concerned, except that he is home, but some good news about his future in DH. Apparently, as long as he continues to improve and can get fit enough to go back to work in a reasonable amount of time, it sounds as though his part as Jackson in DH is secure.
Hope that this finds all of you well and happy!
I just want to let you know that now that Gale is back home, we may not be getting many (or any for that matter) updates.
As far as I know, Jackson is still going to be a character on DH, however Gale needs to heal before he can return to work.
They take a break during the Holiday Season and then return until sometime in May before taking their summer hiatus.
So, right now, no news is good news and anything you might read about Gale leaving the show is just rumor now (as my dad has heard nothing different, and he would be one of the first to know about any character changes!!)
We have Jackson to look forward to in two more episodes at least that we know of so let's make the most of them.
Keep getting better and stronger, Gale, and get back to work soon, before we miss you too much! :)
EDIT: Btw, I forgot a couple of things. Was there anyone else who hoped that it was GALE naked behind that shower curtain? And who leaves a one night stand/stranger taking a shower in their apartment to go OUT for the pizza... come on Jackson, let your fingers do the walking! :D
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