"What's Gale's phone number?"
It's asked first in French and then translated. (Not that Randy needed it translated obviously.)
His reply, "Um, I'm not going to give that to you!" Randy is soooo cute! Love him. :)
This is part of a question to Matt Roush:
Question: "...regarding Desperate Housewives, you recently stated that you find Gale Harold's performance "surprisingly charming." What drives me crazy about his addition to the show is that he is totally wasted.Again, another great actor given very little to do except take off his shirt and beg for attention. It's also more than a bit odd watching the former "Brian Kinney" being the whipping boy for Teri Hatcher."
Answer from Matt: "...As for Gale Harold: I like the change of pace in making him so sympathetic and vulnerable. He's a supporting player in this ensemble and that's as it should be."
Original Source
Aww, "sympathetic and vulnerable" exactly! Playing Jackson in DH may not be Shakespeare, but at least it's giving Gale the opportunity of showing us something other than Brian Kinney as much as I LOVE that beautiful, arrogant arsehole! ;)
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