The very reliable Kinwad on livejournal first broke the news a couple of days ago that Gale had been filming this new movie. (Although she has now locked both her posts, probably because the poor girl was being pestered for her source.*) This news tied in with the Gale sighting in Des Moines, first mentioned on Twitter, which is apparently near where the filming was taking place.
The equally reliable StellaDallas on IMDb has managed to find some information on the plot here - be careful though, her post obviously contains spoilers for the movie!
When I first heard about this and posted about it briefly here, I was not at all happy about Gale doing a horror movie. I don't enjoy most trashy guts and gore horror movies and never particularly want to see Gale in one - that's not to say I wouldn't watch it, because if he's in it how could I possibly resist, it's just that I would hate it! ;)
I am therefore oh so very pleased that, on paper at least, it sounds much more of a psychological/paranormal type movie, rather than a zombie/brain eating/blood and guts one! In fact, because of the, I think, very reliable sources this information has come from, I am allowing myself to tentatively look forward to it!
The Production Designer for the movie is **Hannah E. Beachler and she has posted some set pictures from the movie on her website. Here they are, click and they get bigger:

It would be rather nice to have some pictorial confirmation of Gale's involvement in this sooner rather than later!
*The lovely Kinwad's posts are back! That's great, although it's still true that nothing official has been released!
**This bit of blurb is on Hannah Beachler's website
Currently Hannah is
Production Designing the
Feature Film "Fertile Ground"
Directed by Adam Gierasch
Produced by Limor Diamant
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