Okay, so it looks like we're going to have a similar commentary on
Falling for Grace with Gale and Fay Ann Lee talking about the film, as we had with Jennifer Elster and Gale on
Particles of Truth. This is potentially really great news. The commentary on POT is absolutely fabulous, with Gale's mumbled quips and beautiful laugh, their chemistry and obvious liking for each other, the whole thing was worth the price of the DVD any day! Let's hope the same chemistry comes through during the commentary with Fay. We get a chance to suggest what we'd like them to talk about, too!
This is from Fay's facebook:
In L.A. now getting ready to do commentary with my friend, Gale Harold, for the Falling for Grace DVD. Hmm...what are we going to say? I never watch the movie at screenings and I know Gale doesn't like to watch himself either...so this will actually be a fresh look at the movie! Any thoughts on what you'd like us to talk about?

UPDATE: Strangely she didn't post this on the FFG Facebook page! I've commented to her asking that she get someone to update that page with any news, so we'll see. :)
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