It's different, but brilliant. Thank God they moved it to BBC1 if this is the result!
I loved every moment of it. Those of you who haven't seen it, you're in for a real treat.
I loved Gwen saying hello to a photo of Owen and Tosh when she walked into Torchwood.
LOVED Ianto's family! His sister obviously loves him and wheedled out of him that he likes Jack, not men, just Jack. Hm, not sure about that RTD. Anyway, after his little chat with his sister, his brother-in-law came in and gave him a huge hug and said: "Aye, aye, gay boy! She says you're taking it up the arse." I almost died! :D
We met Jack's daughter. Hm, she has a lot of resentment for her dad in her and is being very protective of her son.
Interesting that the Director of all five episodes, Euros Lyn, has also been mentioned in connection with the Doctor Who film we keep hearing rumours about.
Okay, so a great opening episode, and I must say that perhaps it is a good thing this is on every night this week. :)
Tomorrow's episode - Day 2 - is written by John Fay and directed again by Euros Lyn.
ETA: From James Moran's twitter - he's one of the brilliant writers - 5.9 million of us watched this last night! Fantastic figures. If they can keep this up all week, then there will definitely be a Season 4! Great stuff!
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