Jack worrying that his track suit bottoms was "not a good look".
Getting various members of the Cardiff public to 'look the other way' while their laptops, cars and mobiles etcetera were stolen.

Gwen convincing poor, treacherous Lois to be their 'eyes' with the all seeing contact lenses (good to... um, see them back again).
In fact, everyone has tried out the lenses apparently to see how 'things' look! ;)
Seeing, but not really seeing, the aliens... thank God! Hope we don't get any closer looks at those dribbling appendages and the bucket loads of green snot!
Finally, of course, we have things not being how they look. Jack appears to have been complicit in a horrendous act, but he wouldn't do something like that willingly or knowingly... would he?
Another great episode co-written by James Moran and Russell T. Davies. I have one small criticism though, it still seems very biased towards Gwen so we don't see anywhere near enough Jack and/or Ianto! I'm not talking 'relationships' or anything here, simply airtime.
Tomorrow it's John Fay's turn again at writing Day 4. As usual Euros Lyn directs and Peter Bennett produces.
ETA: Bleedin' Bloody Blimey, 5.9 MILLION... AGAIN, well 5.87 (27.1%) actually, but still... making it the most watched programme between 21:00 and 22:00!! This really is turning out to be the "Event" that RTD and the Beeb were looking for! The next two days are critical, we all know that Friday night, especially, is NOT a good night for a show - any show - it practically begs to be ignored on the week's traditional "going out" night. We'll see.
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