LOS ANGELES (AP) — Gale Harold is back on Wisteria Lane.
Six months after a serious motorcycle accident, the "Desperate Housewives" actor has returned to work. His character, Jackson, is primed to propose to Susan, played by Teri Hatcher.
The 39-year-old Harold landed in intensive care as a result of the crash last Oct. 14. On the set of the show Wednesday, he said the accident taught him that "you can play hard, but you may have to pay a price." But it's a price he says he's paid back in full.
Harold's return episode is set to air May 3 on ABC. The actor is signed to the series through the end of this season but says he has yet to be asked to return for 2009-10.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
More Gale on DH - preview of Sunday's episode 5.21...
Monday, 27 April 2009
Gale on DH Promo for May 3rd episode...
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Friday, 24 April 2009
Dog Fights...
Just looking at that face and thinking about the terrible life he and other beautiful dogs like him are subjected to, makes my heart ache, my throat get tight and my eyes sting.
I really can't understand how these people can been so heartless. They keep these animals, always in filthy and horrendous conditions. Fight them over and over again, even when they are injured or sick, to make money, instead of working like the rest of us. Yet they never, ever seem to feel any kind of love, show any kindness or have any compassion for them.
So my question, too, is... how the hell could you?
Original Source
Thursday, 23 April 2009
The kiss goodbye - B/J and little Rufus...
I'm posting it here in an effort to cheer myself up:
because my little Rufus is gone...

Rufus was a garden cat, he came into my life as a stray when I moved into my new home. I couldn't bring him in to live with me in the house so I bought him a cat kennel - which he loved - and fed him in the garden.
It suited him too, because he loved the outdoors and any time the weather was bad and I brought him in for a couple of hours, he would get all antsy and want to leave again. Telling me very vocally how much he wanted to go! :)
Suddenly last week he went missing. This was unusual because he's always there at the back door waiting for breakfast every morning, so I was worried. Anyway he reappeared as suddenly as he had gone, but he was thin and in a lot of pain. I tried to pick him up, but he just howled and struggled to get down again.
Luckily my niece, T, was with me at the house so we rushed him off to the vet. The vet's diagnosis was that Rufus had badly injured his disabled leg - probably got it caught somewhere - and was in a lot of pain. He thought the best thing would be taking the leg off completely as he really didn't think there was any alternative. However, when I told him that Rufus was a garden cat and that I couldn't have him in the house to recuperate after the operation, he suggested signing him over to them for rehoming after his operation.
I was left with no alternative. Of course, once you sign a cat over you have no right to any information about them, so now I'm very upset, but hoping to be able to phone and wheedle some information out of one of the nurses later in the week.
I'll miss you very much, Rufus. I hope you find a loving home to go to when you're well again.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
State of Play or state of envy...
Oh, well, maybe both...
Here's the article:
She was surrounded by girls in pink tutus and skimpy summer dresses, but Dame Helen Mirren outshone the competition on the red carpet tonight.
At the world premiere of State Of Play Dame Helen gave the young upstarts a lesson in old-fashioned glamour.
The 63-year-old showed off her enviable figure in a calf-length Donna Karen white shift dress, which flattered the curves which have won her a multitude of fans.
Teamed with Jimmy Choo shoes and elegant handmade Moira earrings she cut a demure figure as she glided down the red carpet.
She was joined by her co-star Russell Crowe who himself, now newly slimmed-down for his role in the upcoming film Robin Hood looked dashing in a shiny, grey suit and aviator sunglasses.
However, both stars made light work of the red carpet. Oscar-winner Dame Helen ignored all but a handful of fans as she arrived and dashed inside the venue refusing to speak to waiting reporters.
There was more than a hint of irony in her decision - Mirren plays a ruthless newspaper editor in the political thriller which has been adapted from a BBC mini series.
Crowe, 45, who is known to have a difficult relationship with the press similarly plays an investigative journalist. He too had little patience for the waiting crowd signing only a few autographs before heading inside.
Original Source
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Another interview
Here's another interview:
After a near-fatal motorcycle accident sidelined Gale Harold last October, the actor finally returns to Desperate Housewives as Susan’s long-absent painter boy lover, Jackson, on May 3. “It’s taken him such a long time to get back to being almost normal,” says co-star Neal McDonough, who worked with Gale on his first day back on set. “And there are still many problems that he goes through.” Gale, whom Neal says “looks like a million,” has only one real complaint: he hasn’t been able to get back on the same Ducati motorcycle he had completely restored since the devastating crash. The actor talks to William Keck about his road to recovery and Wisteria Lane:What happened the night of your accident?
It’s just something that happens when you take the risk of getting on a machine like that. As fantastic and exciting as it can be, after you’ve been safe for a number of years, you tend to become a little overly confident. You can’t predict all the surprises out there.
Any scars?
Yeah, there was some repair work that was done to the front end of my bike that really makes me cry inside. :)
I was talking about scars on your body. :)
Obviously I was hurt. But you get better.
Who did you hear from after the accident?
I was supposed to be at work the next day, so Teri was checking in with my managers and my agents every other day. We had a really good thing going with these characters. It’s not every day you start a new job and immediately hit it off with the person you’re working with.
Did you watch the show after your accident?
I didn’t because I was a little worried about seeing something about my death delivered by letter — Jackson drowned in his cereal yesterday morning! :)
But didn’t they tell you that Jackson would eventually be coming back?
Yeah, I just didn’t want to get surprised by something they might not have been comfortable telling me. I was fortunate that they wanted me back. I wanted the executive producer to meet my doctors so he’d know I’d be a real person again. And when I came back, I wanted it to be in the same frame of mind as Jackson — not exactly sure how open the door is to Susan.
We heard your voice a few months ago in a phone call to Susan. What was your physical condition then?
I was probably almost there. It’s hard to say. With these kinds of injuries you recover at various rates. I had a very rapid recovery. I really feel back.
Why is Jackson returning to Wisteria Lane?
He’s back to try to rekindle their connection — whatever is left of it. He has a very important question for Susan.
What has Jackson been doing all this time?
He was pursuing his dream of working in a school as an art teacher. He’s been away, but realizes he needs Susan and needs to talk to her about things.
Word is when Jackson returns he will have to contend with Dave, who has his own intentions for Susan. Should we be worried about Jackson’s future?
Anytime you’ve got somebody like Dave Williams walking up and down the street, you’ve got to be worried about everybody. There are a number of bad scenarios that could take place. I have a scene with Dave and Orson where I’m thanking Dave for saving my butt from burning to death in the fire. But then Jackson realizes, “Wait a minute. You didn’t really save my ass, did you?” So it sets up the question of whether Jackson will realize that Dave actually locked him in the bathroom. It still remains to be seen whether Jackson will be around for the season finale.
Neal McDonough used to ride a motorcycle, but sold his Harley the day his wife learned she was pregnant, and hasn’t been back on since. Will you ride again?
I’m going to be back on board. I’m dying to ride again and am feeling very impatient. I’m giving myself a certain amount of time to know I feel good and safe.
Monday, 20 April 2009
From Finnish TV...
Oh and btw, why is it that I, too, want to slide my hands into those pockets right down his thighs!! Oh, God! :)
(As he's walking out of Susan's house and down the path he laughs and says "I can't help it." Several people - presumably camera guys and reporters etc, all laugh along with him! I have no idea what that's about!)
[What happened?]
GH: Unfortunately, I had an accident with my motorcycle and have not been able to ride since then and missed some work. But, on the good side, I came pretty close to saving it and I've recovered very quickly and I'm back.
[Welcome back party?]
GH: No, it was very low key, I think that there was a feeling there just to keep it on the low burner, because, you know, you're stepping back into potentially chilly waters, but everything was fine and it was exactly what it should have been.
GH: Pretty straightforward stuff, but, em, a lot of it on my own, just a lot of... actually just reading, just trying to make sure that all the words that I used to know still mean the same thing to me and I can pull them out of the hat when I need them, so...
[What's happening on the show with Susan and Jackson?]
GH: He needs to get back in touch with Susan, he really needs her in his life and so he drops in on her without a phone call to say hello and how are you and ask her to dinner and maybe take things to another place that they haven't been to so far... so... that's sort of a double answer, but, eh...
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Hollywood 411 video at last!!
Fans of Desperate Housewives’ character, Jackson, will be happy to learn that he is back on Wisteria Lane. All is good.
Yes, Gale Harold who plays the sexy Jackson on Desperate Housewives was in a serious motorcycle accident last October. Well, May 3rd marks Gale’s return.
It’s been six months since a serious motorcycle accident landed Desperate Housewives’ Gale Harold in intensive care.
GH: Unfortunately, I had an accident on my motorcycle and have not been able to ride since then and missed some work, but on the good side I came pretty close to saving it and I’ve recovered very quickly and I’m back.
And after a long recovery, he’s got back enough strength to return.
GH: A lot of it on my own. Just a lot of... actually just reading, just trying to make sure that all the words that I used to know still mean the same thing to me and I can pull them out of a hat when I need them.
Gale started on the hit show this season when the series jumped five years into the future. The 39 year-old-actor became an immediate fan favourite as love interest of Teri Hatcher’s, Susan Meyer. Gale's accident occurred only eleven episodes later and writers moved Jackson out of town. Well we hear, when Jackson returns May 3rd, he’ll be proposing to Susan.
GH: He needs to get back in touch with Susan. He really needs her in his life. I think that if I hadn’t gone away due to the interruption in my own personal life then we may have already gotten through this place in their story.
As for Gale, he’s learned an important lesson.
GH: You can play. You can play hard, but you might have to pay a price for that. I’ve been lucky that I did pay one, but I seemed to have paid it back in full. so...
DH with Teri Hatcher...
Desperate Housewives Scoop: Two Marriage Proposals Coming Up
Sat., Apr. 18, 2009 9:30 PM PDT by Carrie Borzillo-Vrenna and Natalie Abrams
Thank you, Dana Delaney. The Desperate Housewives star hit the red carpet for the 20th Annual GLAAD Media Awards tonight in Los Angeles and was in quite a gossipy mood.
Dana confirmed a few Wisteria Lane rumors that have been floating around for the past two days, and here's how it went down. [Don't read past the jump if you don't want it spoiled.]

We hear your character, Katherine, might be pregnant on the show. Is that true?
I heard that one today too. I think that would be really a miracle if I got pregnant. I do know that Mike [James Denton] and I have a romantic announcement.
You and Mike are getting engaged?
But, aren't Susan [Teri Hatcher] and Jackson [Gale Harold] getting engaged?
And, Katherine and Mike are getting engaged too?
So, that's a yes to you're both getting engaged?
Yes. I hope I don't get in trouble.
How does your proposal go down?
It's funny the way it goes down. Let's say that Katherine knows what she's doing.
Wait, do you propose to him?
[She gave us a coy look, raised her eyebrows and laughed.]
I'll take that as a maybe.
Actually, the proposal is very Mike-like. That's all I'll say.
Before you get too excited, consider this: Just because there are two proposals doesn't necessarily mean there will be two answers of "yes" to those proposals or two weddings.
We caught up with Teri Hatcher at the Desperate Housewives Paley Fest panel on Saturday afternoon and asked her if she says "yes" to Jackson's proposal, and she told us, "I can't tell you that." But she did dish this: "The first scene where [Gale's] back on the street is really spicy. It was really great to see him again and I think all that came across on film, so it's great to have him back."
If Susan and Jackson do get hitched, show creator Marc Cherry might end up putting a wrench in their happiness down the road. On the topic of Susan and Mike getting back together, Marc told the Paley audience, "The idea is we'll get back there. I don’t know when. If ABC makes a deal with all of us, it looks like we have a few years to play this out, so I would imagine at some point in time Susan and Mike will find their way back in each other's universe.
Denton hopes to be back in Hatcher's universe sometime soon too. He tells us, "I loved working with Teri for the first four seasons and hopefully will continue to. I think in the big picture, most people hope Mike and Susan will make their way back around to each other, but right now it’s Mike and Katherine. Mike and Katherine are a weird couple which is kind of fun, but it makes sense because Katherine is the anti-Susan. She's very stable, there's no drama, so it's easy to see why Mike is drawn to her."
Julian Smith and Shaheen Jafargholi - Week 2...
Julian (soprano saxophone) performing "Somewhere" from West Side Story
Shaheen performing "Who's Loving You" by Michael Jackson
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Gale on Extra 16.4.2009...
GH: "I thought, wow, I've really ruined my chance to come back to Desperate Housewives."
Gale Harold opening up about the motorcycle accident that almost cost him his life and addressing the rumour that he’ll be back as Teri Hatcher’s love interest next season.
GH: "I would be open to working with Marc and working with Teri... that's my answer to that!"
Yeah, thanks for clearing that up, Gale. Desperate fans, stay tuned.
Friday, 17 April 2009
ABC.com interview...
Hey guys, I’m Blake Peyrot and we’re on the set of Desperate Housewives in front of Susan Meyer’s house right on Wisteria Lane and I’m going to head inside and talk to Gale Harold who plays Jackson on the show and talk to him about his return to the show. Let’s go.
What has happened to you? Can you let us know personally what has happened to you that kept you from being on the show?
GH: "Uh, I had a motorcycle accident and um, I've have been recovering from that and now I’m recovered and, uh, I was fortunate enough to be working for a show in a job that they were interested in having me back. So, I’m very grateful to Marc and everyone here for bringing me back to work."
Can you let us know just where we left off with Jackson?
GH: "Well, they were progressing in their relationship toward a point where they may be getting closer, more serious and then he left and took a job out of town -- maybe he didn’t, maybe he did. He wanted to be closer to her. She wanted to be closer to him and they kept stepping on each other’s toes and it wasn’t really working out. It was that classic get it wrong at the right time, get it right at the wrong time and so when he left, there was no real resolution and I think he comes back now, realizing that he really needs to have Susan in his life in a way that she wasn’t and so he comes back to ask her if she could consider being willing to do that."
And what’s it like being back on the set?
GH: "It’s been great. I mean I see lots of familiar faces, a lot of friendly faces, a lot of smiles and you know being welcomed back has been very nice."
I bet Teri is very excited that her storyline will come back into the center because it took a little bit of a side step when you...
GH: "And I owe her a lot and I’m sorry for taking a break, but I’m back now and as much as I can do to help, I will so..."
There you go. Do you want to say anything to your fans cause like I said you have such huge fans on ABC.com and they have been so supportive! They've asked about the Desperate Housewives series. They have been asking about you and the message boards have been crazy. Is there anything you want to say to them?
GH: "Um, I would just say thank you very much for your concern and your interest and, uh, don’t stop now because I’m back! Ha ha!"
Perfect. Thank you.
GH: "Thank you."
Fancast interview 16th April 2009...
Gale Harold Back on The Set of ‘Desperate Housewives’: Talks Recovery & Popping A Question
Will someone pop the question on ‘Desperate Housewives’ this season?
Last week, series creator Marc Cherry touched upon Jackson Braddock (Gale Harold)having a “very important question for Susan — one that she’s kind of stunned by,” later this season. Now Harold has given us another juicy detail himself.
Gale Harold returns to DH after a painful recovery from a motorcycle accident last October. We sat down with the actor on the infamous Wisteria Lane set in Los Angeles yesterday. He talked to us about what got him through his difficult recovery after the six long months spent at the hospital, but also clued us in on what his character will be up to with Susan (Teri Hatcher), when he returns to the show May 3.
“Well he comes back to talk to Susan about something fairly substantial,” he said to us. “He wants to know if she’d be interested in being a part of his life at an entirely different level in a more complicated way.”
Could this be the big “W” question? And most importantly (especially keeping in mind that both were pretty gun shy about the relationship) what will her answer be?
Read on for more details.
Tell me about what your recovery was like. How did you get through it?
It was a little nerve wracking but all in all it was great. It was very rapid and very complete. And it was inspiring.
Why inspiring?
Well it showed me that I have a lot of very good people in my life and that I’m strong enough to make it back. They’re very simple answers but it’s important to be able to appreciate those things.
What do you think it was that got you through the whole process?
I think there are several people that were important in that. My family and other people that are very close to me that I will keep in my own private reserves. But it was definitely the people around me and the fact that I was in fairly decent condition before and I received good treatment.
Were you worried about whether or not you would be coming back?
I think that you go through a process of worrying about everything when you have an interruption in your life like that. My most important concern was getting better.
Are you still doing any type of physical therapy?
No, I’m back.
Was there any kind of welcome back party from the cast?
No, I got everything that I wanted which was just to be welcomed back by people that I really like and have a good relationship with. That was good enough.
What will we be treated to in the episode where you’re back?
It will consist of that blue Land Cruiser right there coming down the street [points to Jackson's car on the set]. And Jackson stops in front of the house and he sees Susan in the driveway getting in her car. And they have a conversation and he invites her to dinner. I think it will be more why would this guy just show up like this without calling to let me know that he’s around? But it’s heartwarming because there’s an immediate response between them. I think she’s happy to see him and he’s happy to see her. And they kind of play that.
So there is hope for Jackson and Susan?
I think there’s hope for them continuing where they were at and expanding on where they’ve been. I’m not sure if it will be the same, slightly different, or something else all together new.
Watch as Harold comes back to ‘Housewives’ May 3 on ABC.
Associated Press Interview...
"Unfortunately I had an accident on my motorcycle and, um, have not been able to ride since then and missed some work. But on the good side I came pretty close to saving it and I've recovered very quickly and I'm back."
"Not a lot of rehab but there has been a fair amount of work with people telling me how to go about my rehab. There was about a month of pretty regular meetings with individuals to just take me through the paces, pretty straightforward stuff."
"The only lesson really is just don't ever take for granted how fast things move, you know. Remember that you can play, you can play hard, but you know you might have to pay... pay a price for that, and I've been lucky that I did pay one but, um, I seem to have paid it back in full so."
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Entertainment Tonight interview...
GH: "I had an unfortunate dance with my motorcycle."
Gale Harold played Teri Hatcher’s boyfriend, Jackson, on Desperate Housewives until he sustained a fractured shoulder from a serious motorcycle accident in 2008.
GH: I was very fortunate to make it through, but I’ve made it through very well and I’m blessed with very good friends.
He told us that not only is he better and back on Wisteria Lane, May 3, he may be on bended knee proposing to Susan.
GH: Jackson has an important question for her that concerns whether or not he can add any depth to this relationship.
Gale video interview...
He looks and sounds absolutely wonderful in this.
When all this went down were your thoughts 'I'll never be asked back to that show.'
Gale: "Um, I think in that guiltily 17-year-old reaction, yeah, you know, the last thing you want to do is cause a big delay at work, right? It was kind of that professional, um, sort of – what's the good term there, paranoia, professional paranoia, like, don't shut the game down when you're about to go on. Yeah, I, I, I just assumed that, you know, they would be moving on and solving that storyline however they needed to."
Honestly, though, the main thing going through your mind was, 'Am I going to survive this?' What exactly happened?
Gale: "Um, well, I mean, I had an accident, um, and, ah, I was very fortunate that I was able to handle it and I recovered very quickly. So any time you are in that situation on something that moves like that you can get into a problematic situation but that's, fortunately for me, not what happened. It was a combination of experience and some skill and good fortune. I had friends with me."
Injury-wise, what happened to you, because I know there was a lot of reports that you were near death and you were in serious...
Gale: "Well, yeah, I did die and then I came back to life and then I died again just as I was about to come back to work so I had to come back to life. And now the life seems to be sticking, like, I haven't died again since the last time. So if I can make it to two that means I get one more, right?"
Don't you get nine?
Gale: "No."
You don't?
Gale: "Strictly non-feline."
But you were in bad shape?
Gale: "Um, I was in.. I was in fairly...uncomfortable shape, yeah."
What can you tell us about what's going on with Jackson and Susan?
Gale: "Well, Jackson has come back into Susan's life because he has something that he'd really like to speak to her about – a very important question – and I think he realised after being away from her that he really needed her. He needed her in his life and so he's come back to ask her a fairly important question and he... rolls back into town. :)"
That question would be?
Gale: "Um, would you marry me? -- Not you, but... :D"
and another short piece from Access Hollywood
Gale: "Marc was willing to bring me back."
A different story (I think this refers to Nicollette Sheridan's alleged treatment by Marc Cherry) from Gale Harold who returns to Desperate in two weeks. Gale plays Teri Hatcher's on-screen boy toy, Jackson, but his plot line has been on hold for the past six months, as the actor recovered from a serious motorcycle accident.
Gale on DH set in LA, Wednesday 15 Apr 2009...
'Housewives' hunk Harold returns after motorcycle crash, his first new episode set for May 3
By Associated Press
- 12:57 AM EDT, April 16, 2009
Original Source
Gale's first interview since his accident...
Don't much like Neal McDonough's remarks about Gale being "back to almost normal" and what are these "problems" that Gale still goes through! What the hell does all that mean? He doesn't follow on with anything positive about Gale's health which isn't helpful. I wish people wouldn't say such things without backing their words up with some sort of explanation!
Anyway he's back and we can judge for ourselves when he's back playing Jackson!♥♥♥
Gale Harold's First Post-Accident InterviewApril 15, 2009 04:29 PM EST
After a near-fatal motorcycle accident sidelined Gale Harold last October, the actor finally returns to Desperate Housewivesas Susan’s long-absent painter boy lover, Jackson, on May 3. “It’s taken him such a long time to get back to being almost normal,” says co-star Neal McDonough, who worked with Gale on his first day back onset. “And there are still many problems that he goes through.”Gale—whom Neal says “looks like a million”—has only one real complaint:he hasn’t been able to get back on the same Ducati motorcycle he had completely restored since the devastating crash. The actor talks to William Keck about his road to recovery and Wisteria Lane:What happened the night of your accident?
It’s just something that happens when you take the risk of getting on a machine like that. As fantastic and exciting as it can be, after you’ve been safe for a number of years, you tend to become a little overly confidant. You can’t predict all the surprises out there.
Any scars?
Yeah, there was some repair work that was done to the front end of my bike that really makes me cry inside.
I was talking about scars on your body.
Obviously I was hurt. But you get better.
Who did you hear from after the accident?
Iwas supposed to be at work the next day, so Teri was checking in with my managers and my agents every other day. We had a really good thing going with these characters. It’s not every day you start a new job and immediately hit it off with the person you’re working with.
Did you watch the show after your accident?
I didn’t because I was a little worried about seeing something about my death delivered by letter—Jackson drowned in his cereal yesterday morning.
But didn’t they tell you that Jackson would eventually be coming back?
Yeah,I just didn’t want to get surprised by something they might not have been comfortable telling me. I was fortunate that they wanted me back.I wanted the executive producer to meet my doctors so he’d know I’d be a real person again. And when I came back, I wanted it to be in the same frame of mind as Jackson—not exactly sure how open the door is to Susan.
We heard your voice a few months ago in a phone call to Susan. What was your physical condition then?
I was probably almost there. It’s hard to say. With these kinds of injuries you recover at various rates. I had a very rapid recovery. I really feel back.
Why is Jackson returning to Wisteria Lane?
He’s back to try to rekindle their connection—whatever is left of it. He has a very important question for Susan.
What has Jackson been doing all this time?
He was pursuing his dream of working in a school as an art teacher. He’s been away, but realizes he needs Susan and needs to talk to her about things.
Word is when Jackson returns he will have to contend with Dave, who has his own intentions for Susan. Should we be worried about Jackson’s future?
Anytime you’ve got somebody like Dave Williams walking up and down the street, you’ve got to be worried about everybody. There are a number of bad scenarios that could take place. I have a scene with Dave and Orson where I’m thanking Dave for saving my butt from burning to death in the fire. But then Jackson realizes,“Wait a minute. You didn’t really save my ass, did you?” So it sets up the question of whether Jackson will realize that Dave actually locked him in the bathroom. It still remains to be seen whether Jackson will be around for the season finale.
Neal McDonough used to ride a motorcycle, but sold his Harley the day his wife learned she was pregnant, and hasn’t been back on since. Will you ride again?
I’m going to be back on board. I’m dying to ride again and am feeling very impatient. I’m giving myself a certain amount of time to know I feel good and safe.
Original Source
Monday, 13 April 2009
Some news about Gale...

This from Billy Masters in Bay Windows. Old news, but amusing nonetheless.
Sure, I’m occasionally wrong. But the essence is right. I just don’t get bogged down by little things like details or facts. For instance, when I saw Gale Harold after his accident and he told me that he’d soon be back on Desperate Housewives. Everyone said I was crazy. But a couple of weeks later, he showed up -- albeit via a disembodied voice on the telephone. And now, I say "HA!" He’s back. On the May 3 episode, he’ll show up in the flesh and I’m told it’s not just a one-shot deal. Don’t touch that dial.
Original Source
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Susan Boyle - Week 1...
Susan performing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables [HD version]
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Oh, no, not "puppy dog eyes"!

Desperate Housewives is getting sexy again
Desperate Housewives is getting sexy again, as Entertainment Weekly reports the return of Gale Harold to the hit ABC dramedy after a far-too-long hiatus. Harold, who plays Susan's boyfriend Jackson, had to take an unplanned leave of absence from the show after suffering serious injuries in a motorcycle accident last October. After six months of recovery, the 39-year-old actor with the puppy dog eyes is ready to return to work.
"We were planning to end his storyline (around midseason)," said Desperate Housewives executive producer Marc Cherry. "But because of the accident, we get to bring him back for the end of the season, which will be a nice kind of full circle journey for Susan in Season 5."
Harold may stick around longer than that. "I think Gale may have changed his priorities (since the accident)," Cherry said. "But those decisions won't be made until May."
Original Source
Monday, 6 April 2009
Gay TV Blog article about GH's return...
Will Gale Harold return to "Desperate Housewives" this season?
Great news for fans of Gale Harold: Not only is the actor fully recovered after being injured in a motorcycle accident last fall; he is returning to Desperate Housewives this season, according to EW.com.
Marc Cherry, the creator of Desperate Housewives, tells Michael Ausiello that Gale will reprise his role as Jackson on an episode airing May 3. Turns out, Jackson has a "very important question for Susan (Teri Hatcher]," Cherry teases.
Hmmm…what could that be?
Moving on to another question: How is Gale looking these days? "Quite frankly, I think he looks even better [than before the crash]," Cherry reports.
That's really great to hear.
Looking ahead, is it possible that Gale will continue his run on Desperate Housewives into next season? That decision won't be made until next month, according to Cherry, who concedes to EW.com that the Queer As Folk alum wasn't necessarily looking for a long-term gig when he signed on with the show but might be more open to it now. "I think Gale may have changed his priorities [since the accident]," Cherry explains.
I, for one, would love to see Gale stick around Wisteria Lane. He quickly made his mark as Susan's new love interest this season, before last October's accident left him unable to work due to brain swelling and a fractured shoulder. Cherry had to do some quick rewrites to explain Gale's character's absence.
Does anyone else out there want to join me in encouraging Gale to say "yes" if Desperate Housewives asks him to stick around for another season?
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Sunday, 5 April 2009
More on Gale's return to DH...
Top TV News
After a six month hiatus following his October 2008 motorcycle crash, Gale Harold is returning to Desperate Housewives.
Gale Harold Will Be Desperate Once More
Kat Angus
Published: Friday, April 03, 2009
Desperate Housewives is getting sexy again, as Entertainment Weekly reports that hunkolicious Gale Harold is returning to the hit ABC dramedy after a far-too-long hiatus. Memo to the wardrobe department: keep that man shirtless as much as possible. Love, women everywhere.
Harold, who plays Susan's boyfriend Jackson, had to take an unplanned leave of absence from the show after suffering serious injuries in a motorcycle accident last October. After six months of recovery, the 39-year-old actor with the puppy dog eyes is ready to return to work.
"We were planning to end his storyline [around midseason]," said Desperate Housewives executive producer Marc Cherry. "But because of the accident, we get to bring him back for the end of the season, which will be a nice kind of full circle journey for Susan in Season 5."
In fact, Harold may stick around even longer than that, despite his previous assertions that he didn't want a long-term commitment to any show.
"I think Gale may have changed his priorities [since the accident]," Cherry said. "But those decisions won't be made until May."
Either way, the character's return is sure to make things extra exciting for Susan, as EW reports that (spoiler alert!) Jackson comes back to Wisteria lane intent on proposing. Say yes, Susan! He's so much more interesting than Mike!
Original Source
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Gale returns May 3rd, 2009
'Housewives' scoop: Gale Harold returns May 3
Apr 2, 2009, 01:40 PM | by Michael Ausiello
Six months after being seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, Gale Harold, now fully recovered, returns to Desperate Housewives as Susan's ex, Jackson, on May 3. And I do mean fully recovered.
"Quite frankly, I think he looks even better [than before the crash]," says series creator Marc Cherry with a laugh, adding that Jackson reappears with a "very important question for Susan -- one that she's kind of stunned by." (I'm thinking it'll be something along the lines of *i** *o* *a*** *e?)
Harold's unexpected hiatus forced Cherry to do some fancy footwork storytelling-wise -- we learned through Susan that Jackson abruptly left town to pursue a teaching opportunity -- but the scribe says it all worked out in the end. "We were planning to end his storyline [around midseason]," he explains. "But because of the accident, we get to bring him back for the end of the season, which will be a nice kind of full circle journey for Susan in season 5."
As for season 6? Although Cherry says no decision has been made about Harold returning next fall, he hints that the once-commitment-shy actor may be warming to the idea of sticking around long-term. "I think Gale may have changed his priorities [since the accident]," Cherry concedes. "But those decisions won't be made until May."
Happy Harold is heading back to Wisteria Lane? Theories as to what surprising question he'll be posing to Susan? Hoping Jackson will extend his run into next season? Sound off below!
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