I'm posting it here in an effort to cheer myself up:
because my little Rufus is gone...

Rufus was a garden cat, he came into my life as a stray when I moved into my new home. I couldn't bring him in to live with me in the house so I bought him a cat kennel - which he loved - and fed him in the garden.
It suited him too, because he loved the outdoors and any time the weather was bad and I brought him in for a couple of hours, he would get all antsy and want to leave again. Telling me very vocally how much he wanted to go! :)
Suddenly last week he went missing. This was unusual because he's always there at the back door waiting for breakfast every morning, so I was worried. Anyway he reappeared as suddenly as he had gone, but he was thin and in a lot of pain. I tried to pick him up, but he just howled and struggled to get down again.
Luckily my niece, T, was with me at the house so we rushed him off to the vet. The vet's diagnosis was that Rufus had badly injured his disabled leg - probably got it caught somewhere - and was in a lot of pain. He thought the best thing would be taking the leg off completely as he really didn't think there was any alternative. However, when I told him that Rufus was a garden cat and that I couldn't have him in the house to recuperate after the operation, he suggested signing him over to them for rehoming after his operation.
I was left with no alternative. Of course, once you sign a cat over you have no right to any information about them, so now I'm very upset, but hoping to be able to phone and wheedle some information out of one of the nurses later in the week.
I'll miss you very much, Rufus. I hope you find a loving home to go to when you're well again.
I really hope that you didn't mind me scrolling through your blog, but once I saw this picture, I just had to leave you a comment.
I'm sure that what happened with Rufus was so very painful and difficult for you, but of course, you did completely the right thing. He looks like a very beautiful, determined (and loveable) cat, who knows exactly what he wants from his humans! I hope you were able to get some good news about him.
I LOVE the B/J video too, and I shall be rushing to YouTube to favourite it! I tend to read fanfic when I need cheering up, but that was gorgeous. Mmmm....
Hugs. Jo x
I don't mind at all, Jo, you're very welcome.
I'm sorry you came across such a sad little post about my lovely Rufus, though. You're right, of course, he was - is, a really beautiful boy and very, very loving. He loved lying on your chest with his arms around your neck, purring in your ear, oh, and dribbling. He is such a terrible dribbler! :)
I only managed a couple of calls to the vet. He apparently had a successful operation to remove the leg and was doing well the last time I heard. Unfortunately, some of the vets' nurses aren't as sympathetic as others and after the second call I was told in no uncertain terms that I couldn't phone again or receive any more information about him. I still miss him terribly, but console myself with the hope that he's gone to a super new home with a loving family.
I'm a great lover of fanfic, too, and read it all the time whether I'm sad or not. Have you any favourites?
Hugs to you and thank you so much for your lovely words about Rufus.
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