Well, after several emails to and from CD Universe, the situation appears to be this.
The DVD was released on 1/5. Stocks were exhausted immediately probably because of high demand, which is fantastic news for Gale and Fay! Not such good news for those of us who missed out on the first shipment!
However, CD Universe tell me that the re-release from the vendors is due on 1/12 and we will be informed by email as soon as this new release is shipped.
I was so annoyed when I received the first email that I immediately re-ordered the DVD from Tower. On further contemplation this was particularly pointless as the release date from Tower is the same - 1/12. So I've now cancelled the Tower one and am sitting tight with CD Universe. I figure if I missed out on the first release from them, I must surely be somewhere near the top of the second release!
Anyway, after all the time I've been waiting to see this film, another week or so isn't going to kill me... drive me up the effin' wall, yes, but definitely not kill me! :)
Jack (Safe Rescue, fostered Norfolk)
8 hours ago
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