Is it possible that there is someone out there able to recommend a hotel within walking distance of the Theatre for said out-of-towner? A hotel which, hopefully, alongside being reasonably clean and neither bed-bug nor flea infested, won't add too much to the already straining financial burden and leave a Gale fan just enough to purchase a souvenir programme or two.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
This place is two miles from the theater...Pretty reasonable for LA
http://www.travelodge.com/Travelodge/control/Booking/check_avail?areaCode=LAX&brandCode=TL,HJ,DI,RA,KG,SE,BU,MT&searchWithinMiles=20&areaType=2&destination=Los Angeles International Apt&state=CA&country=US&checkInDate=12/12&numberAdults=1&numberRooms=1&checkOutDate=12/13&numberChildren=0&numberBigChildren=0&rate=000&useWRPoints=false&pageNumber=1&variant=&id=09531&propBrandId=TL&force_nostay=false&tab=tab2
This is the Best Travel Guide, it tells you which Hotel is Better in any selected country or city .. Try it .. it will Help you ...
@my2cats I hadn't thought of looking for a Travelodge; great idea and only two miles away. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I must be completely batty to even contemplate a trip like this! :)
@gale-h-girl Thank you so much for replying and for the link, it looks very helpful! I'm sure if I can make this happen, seeing Gale on stage will be very, very worth it! :)
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