I think by now we're all very familiar with the fact that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Because of this, I've given my blog a bit of a facelift to a very pretty - in my opinion - pink theme. This is not only for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but also to celebrate my best friend's (hee, I typed 'breast' friend!) seventh year as a survivor. We've been friends for a hell of a long time - I'm sorry, I can't be more specific because she'd kill me if I told you exactly how long! All I can say is that we met at school and that place is a very distant memory, but thank God, she isn't! She's alive and well and still my friend and that's due to the fact that we get free mammograms every three years and it was at one of these routine mammograms that her cancer was picked up!
So, when you get that letter from the NHS, or your doctor, asking you to attend for a mammogram and you think you don't need it, can't be bothered or you just don't think you'll have the time. Please bother. Please make the time! Only takes five minutes once you're there and those five minutes could save your life.
You can go to Cancer Research UK to fundraise, donate of just buy something pink and help this wonderful charity keep the research going which perhaps will stop someone dying of this disease.
Better yet, go buy yourself, your best friend or your girlfriend this little gift set. It's by the fabulous Butler and Wilson, so you know it's going to be beautiful and 15 quid will go straight to that other great charity, Breast Cancer Care.
Of course, if you believe all the exploitation theories around again this year about companies exploiting the pink ribbon - read Susie Collins' post of last year entitled Why I Boycott Breast Cancer Awareness Month - you could always do what I do, and that's just give your money straight to the charity of your choice without buying anything.
I do believe that most companies who get involved in the Breast Cancer Awareness Month are quite happy to garner kudos from their customers for trying to help, but I don't agree that it's just simply exploitation. In any case, there is always free will, so if you do happen to believe the exploitation theory, then don't buy anything, but that's still no excuse for not handing over some money! Go on, do it, do it now, I dare ya!
Maxwell – 3-4 year old male Hound
5 hours ago
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