Sometimes, however, along comes a post that I can really get into. Someone on LJ questioned what was "the biggest dating age gap" people would put up with in a lover. The first person to comment said that she'd go up twenty years for Gale Harold! :)
I gotta tell you that I am totally in agreement with her, I would most certainly put up with an age gap of twenty years for Gale Harold!
He's thirty nine and I'm... um... fifty-eight! :D :D :D :D
ETA: Ha, I suppose THIS is one of those Gale Harold posts which isn't really about him at all! Oh, dear...
This post from your adorable blog DID pop up in my Google alerts, haha. But oh, I'm so happy it did! I've been so out of the Gale loop lately with school stuff...and I don't think I have the settings on my Google alerts either...not a lot of news ever pops up. Anyway, thanks so much for posting those new pictures of Gale at the Campus Moviefest! He looks so handsome! :D
Aw, thank you, my love, I'm so please you found me and enjoyed the new pictures. He certainly does look handsome in them.
I expect news will surface soon enough which will give us a clue as to why he's had such a drastic haircut. As I said, I'm sure there is no way that Gale would choose to have his hair that short. ;)
Good luck with school! :D
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