Friday 19 December 2008

Another update on Gale from Ted Casablanca!

Well, it seems that Ted Casablanca has done a little more digging after his earlier report!

This is what he has to say now:
There's a lotta dish being slung right now regarding Gale Harold's health, as well as his status on Desperate Housewives. We just ran quotes from D.H. sources who doubt Gale's capability to return to filming the hit soap, but now we've discovered there's at least a glimmer of hope:

He's looped some scenes recently.

So that's terrific news—he was able to physically get himself to the set, even though it wasn't easy:

"He's still in a tremendous amount of pain," revealed an insider who's hung with the hunk recently. "He doesn't even remember a lot of what happened to him, and his shoulder's really hurting him right now, but I think he will be back next season, in some form."

As we stated before, Desperate sources unofficially made it clear they'll be happy to have Gale back in any form. Us too!

Original Source

Okay, so I'm not really sure what to make of this, but I would guess that it is someone, a different someone, who read the first article on Gale and decided to put Ted right about a few things! Ted has only had really nice things to say about Gale, on a personal level, as well as an actor, so I believe that whatever appears on his site regarding Gale is not meant to show him in any negative light. I think he really does like Gale and wishes him well.

Anyway, after all that, the thing that has me wondering is this comment "...I think he will be back next season." Are they really talking about Season 6 or did they mean after the holidays, but got a little confused? It seems a very, very long time until Season 6!

Hurry and heal, Gale!


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